Rainbow Pinwheel Pointer Zim's Website

Art Anarchy Forum

Hi everyone! I have recently started using a forum created by Artistotel, who also has a Neocities site. The forum, Art Anarchy, is for people who are interested in bringing back forums, especially independent creatives (not just visual artists, but also musicians, writers, and so on). It's been a lot of fun, and I'm making a blog post about it because I'd like to encourage everyone to join! A forum can only thrive if plenty of people are using it, and although it's already got a decent userbase, the more the better!

Here is the forum's official button, which you can put on your Neocities site too if you want:

Leave A Comment!

Comments are 100% anonymous, so if you want to leave a name, be sure to include it in the comment itself. Otherwise, your message will be attributed to "Anon." I receive these comments in a private Discord server and later post them manually on the site, so don't expect to see it right away, but I will add it to the page ASAP! I would love to hear your thoughts!


Zim: Testing to be sure comments work!

(Sent 7/29/2023, 3:20pm)