Rainbow Pinwheel Pointer Zim's Website


Today, I am going to be making some changes on my website. Specifically, the way I have some stuff set up right now with my navigation makes it a pain in the ass to make any updates - I have to go through and edit all my pages again! So, I will be streamlining navigation in some areas and removing things like blinkies and buttons from pages other than my homepage, so that it's easier for me to add new pages without having to go back through and update all the old ones. Also, I want to add some organizational categories to my blog. I also might add a "next" and "previous" navigation link to blog posts about specific topics, so people can easily read more from the same topic without digging through other blog posts.

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Comments are 100% anonymous, so if you want to leave a name, be sure to include it in the comment itself. Otherwise, your message will be attributed to "Anon." I receive these comments in a private Discord server and later post them manually on the site, so don't expect to see it right away, but I will add it to the page ASAP! I would love to hear your thoughts!


Zim: Testing to be sure comments work!

(Sent 10/2/2022, 1:28pm)