Rainbow Pinwheel Pointer Zim's Website

Code Help and Troubleshooting

Today, I added a page to my website where you can copy and customize a basic version of my code! It also has explanations of how to use it. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about it, if you have trouble getting it to work! You can find the page under Resources on my website.

Another thing you can find under Resources is Cursors-4U, and it occurred to me that I ought to alert everyone to a common issue with the cursors and how to fix it. It can be frustrating to copy a code from a website and follow the directions, only for it to not work! Luckily, though, the solution is simple.

As an example, here is the code for a cute pink heart cursor available on Cursors-4U, as presented on their website. If you post this code as-is into your website code, it won't work. Why not?

The answer (and solution) are simple. A lot of Cursors-4U cursor codes are missing a style tag at the end. In order to fix them, you can simply add this at the end of the cursor code:

Then, it will work as it is supposed to! However, it's worth noting that the cursor probably still won't be animated. This is because the animation only works on Internet Explorer. So, just pick a cursor that you also like the appearance of when it isn't animated.

Leave A Comment!

Comments are 100% anonymous, so if you want to leave a name, be sure to include it in the comment itself. Otherwise, your message will be attributed to "Anon." I receive these comments in a private Discord server and later post them manually on the site, so don't expect to see it right away, but I will add it to the page ASAP! I would love to hear your thoughts!


Zim: Testing to be sure comments work!

(Sent 10/2/2022, 1:43pm)