Wine And Glass Zim's Website


Kimdyn is a satyr, and one of the oldest fae around Newhaven - Mycenean Greek. He does try to keep up with modern culture even though he can't hang out with mortals much due to his inhuman appearance, but he still wears a chiton and chlamys instead of modern clothing because he can't physically wear pants and also because if he purchases his outfits from Halloween stores he can tell anyone who comments on his appearance "Huh? I'm wearing a costume, dude," without lying.

Kimdyn throws wild parties almost constantly, and does not ever get tired of them. He invites everyone he can, regardless of whether they're fae, mortal, or something else, although he does throw separate parties for seelie and unseelie fae in order to avoid a conflict. He's seelie, but unwilling to cut off an entire court from party invitations entirely. His parties are fun, but it's inadvisable to go unless you're fae yourself - he doesn't mean to harm anyone, but he is unable to understand that mortals are fragile compared to the fair folk. Furthermore, there are usually plenty of fae far less chill than him at the parties.

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Unusual for fae, Kimdyn is a genuinely chill guy and unlikely to make a major issue out of it if you're rude to him, although he is likely to use it as an excuse to try to pressure you into attending a party. He knows practically every fae in Newhaven, and is on friendly terms with a significant chunk of them, but he doesn't really have close friends because he refuses to engage in emotional vulnerability (it just isn't much fun). He is very plugged in with local gossip but prone to recounting it in a confusing manner or with questionable accuracy since he is often drunk. As a satyr, this isn't dangerous for him, which is one of the reasons why it's not advisable for mortals to attend his parties - he doesn't understand that drinking too much can actually hurt people.


Zim: Testing to be sure comments work!

(Sent 10/2/2022, 4:42pm)

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